In an age where digital giants are shaping the way we communicate, buy, search, and more, the recent move by the European Commission under the Digital Markets Act (DMA) to designate six major companies as gatekeepers highlights the ever-growing importance of a regulated digital landscape. With companies like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta, and Microsoft now designated as gatekeepers, there is a renewed focus on ensuring fairness, transparency, and regulated operational standards within the digital sector.

What does this mean for the financial sector and why is it relevant for the BESIDE project?

  1. Regulation & Compliance: Just as the European Commission is stepping up to regulate the digital giants, the BESIDE project, funded under Erasmus+, emphasizes the need for financial professionals to understand the intricacies of digital transformation, particularly in blockchain technology. With the evolving nature of the digital space, staying updated with the latest regulations becomes crucial.
  2. Leveraging Digital Transformations: The DMA focuses on ensuring the openness of critical digital services, which aligns with BESIDE’s objective of harnessing the potential of Blockchain technology to improve digital financial services. The European digital policy’s goal to ensure a fair digital playground is an echo of what BESIDE aims to instill in financial professionals through its pilot course and e-learning platform.
  3. Training & Education: With major shifts in the digital landscape, it becomes imperative for professionals to upskill and stay relevant. The BESIDE project supports the digital transformation of the vocational education and training sector, making resources available to VET training centers, ensuring that professionals can navigate and adapt to these changes efficiently.

Conclusion: As Europe strives for a transparent and fair digital sector, it’s evident that the financial industry needs to equip itself with the knowledge and tools to navigate this evolving landscape. The BESIDE project emerges as a timely solution, bridging the gap between the current financial landscape and the industry’s digital future.

For financial professionals and stakeholders keen on staying ahead in this digital age and ensuring alignment with EU policies, the BESIDE project is an opportunity not to be missed. Dive deeper and explore the myriad ways blockchain can redefine the financial space.

🔗 For more info on the new EU Commission decision:

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