
The project has been divided into four work packages:

Under Work Package 2, the project will undertake two main activities:

  1. Definition of the learning methodology (Syllabus)
  2. Creation of the training content.

The content will be designed in consideration of the set of competences defined by the FINANCIAL AND DIGITAL COMPETENCE FRAMEWORK and will cover three main general modules:

  • Financial Content
  • Digital Content

Technical content on the knowledge and use of Blockchain and DLT technologies applied to Digital Finance

Under Work Package 3, the project will undertake two main tasks:

1) Creation of the Online Platform

2) Preparation of the trainers and implementation of the course.

These work packages are crucial for the success of the project, as they will ensure the development of an effective learning methodology, comprehensive training content and a functional e-learning platform, as well as the preparation of the trainers who will deliver the course.

The project aims to produce the following concrete results:

  • Improvement of skills and competences of course participants on the application of Blockchain and new DLT technologies in the field of Digital Finance
  • Creation and delivery of a VET course and a new e-learning platform
  • Improved and customized services for financial operators’ customers
  • Strengthened collaboration between the VET sector and financial sector representatives.
  • Through these activities, the project aims to improve the digital readiness and resilience of financial operators and the quality of services they