The world of digital finance is witnessing a significant shift. Recently, 47 countries pledged to implement the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) by 2027, as per the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This new international standard aims at the automatic exchange of information between tax authorities regarding cryptocurrency and digital asset transactions.

What Does CARF Entail?
Developed under the G20’s mandate, CARF will require detailed reporting on types of cryptocurrency and digital asset transactions, whether facilitated through intermediaries or service providers. This move signifies a concerted effort to enhance tax compliance and clamp down on evasion in the dynamic sphere of digital assets.

The European Union’s Approach
Parallel to CARF, the European Union has adopted the Directive on Administrative Cooperation (DAC8), a rule focused on cryptocurrency tax reporting. DAC8 extends tax collectors’ jurisdiction to monitor and evaluate all cryptocurrency transactions within EU member states, marking a step towards greater transparency and regulation.

Aligning BESIDE Project with Global Developments
The BESIDE project, with its focus on integrating Blockchain technology in digital financial services, aligns seamlessly with these global developments. Understanding and navigating these new regulations is crucial for financial professionals. Our e-learning platform and pilot course are designed to keep them ahead of the curve, equipping them with the latest knowledge in blockchain and digital finance, in accordance with European digital policies.

Conclusion: The Path Ahead
As the world gears up for a more regulated digital asset environment, it’s imperative for financial professionals to adapt and thrive. The BESIDE project’s aim is not just to educate but to enable these professionals to lead in this transformative era.

We invite you to explore the BESIDE project further and join us in empowering the financial sector with cutting-edge knowledge and skills.

🔗 If you want to read the full statement you can find it here

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